Host a student
Have you ever wanted to get to know a student your age from another country? Have you ever wanted your son or daughter to have first-hand exposure to another culture? Have you wanted to be a part of someone's first experience in the United States? If so, submit an application to host a student from another country.
Please return completed applications to Mrs. Gehrken in the B-wing teacher offices of NHS or via email: gehrkenr@newtown.k12.ct.us
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements to host a student?
A safe and friendly environment where the international student has his/her own bed (a shared bedroom is fine) and a willingness to include the international student in the daily life of you and your family.
If you decide that you would like to host an international teacher, we suggest that the teacher have their own bedroom for his/her privacy.
Does my son/daughter have to travel abroad for us to host a student?
No. We also invite families to host more than one student a time and as many times as they would like. Many families have hosted students from different countries for many years in a row.
Can we host more than one student at once?
Yes. As long as they each have their own bed, you can host multiple students.
What is expected of our family if we host a student?
The homestay plays a vital role in the NICE sister school exchanges. The ability for an international student or teacher to live the life of an American for a week is eye-opening, educational, and just plain fun. Host families are expected to include their guest in the family’s daily routine. A trip to the supermarket, a walk in the neighborhood or even a drive to the town recycling center can be enriching to the visiting students and teachers.
Hosting families will provide breakfasts and most dinners for their guest. Also, free time will be built into the visitor’s schedule, during which host families may want to sightsee with their guest. As the dates of the delegation visits are near, we will provide host families with a schedule of planned events for the delegates, as well as a list of suggested activities and points of interest for their free time with you. Many host families have found it fun to get together for outings and social activities. Finally, host families may need to pick up and/or drop off their guest at NHS certain days, depending on the itinerary. (Carpooling among host families is encouraged!)
​Does it cost anything for us to host? Is there a stipend if we host?
There is no fee to host. The only cost would be the minor expenses incurred by everyday life with an international student. There is no stipend.
Do we have to speak a foreign language or does my son/daughter need to take a foreign language in order to host a student?
No. The students come here to learn and explore the culture, which includes the English language. All of the international students have studied English.
What is it like to host a student?
Click here to see more information about hosting an international student.
Click here to see what past host families have to say.
Where can I get more information about hosting a student?​
Contact Ms. Ward-Toller (WardE@newtown.k12.ct.us) or Mrs. Olmos-Valeri (olmos-valerim@newtown.k12.ct.us)